Classes & Consulting
Gardening Series
Every 2nd Thursday of the month, Adam Jankauskas hosts a morning and evening class on gardening. Check out our Facebook page for the full schedule.
Classes & Workshops
Perhaps you are brand new to compost and would like to know the difference between compost, composting, and compostable. Maybe you have been composting for a while and know your greens from your browns so much so that you wouldn't be fooled by dried grass (it is still a green by the way). Or maybe you really want to turn it up a notch and dive deep into all the things that impact the quality of soil.
What is Compost and Composting?
Finding Balance - Greens and Browns and Water
Troubleshooting - Why is My Compost Pile Not Composting?
Quality & Organic Agriculture
Potential Contaminants and Sources
Testing and Analysis
Request a Topic to Dive Into
Compost Industry Overview - Get a crash course in every type of organization and product available in the industry. Demystify marketing jargon from the legitimate and learn about the trade-offs associated with the different types of composting. No need to add an inoculant by the way, a handful of soil will do.
Compost Start Up - This composting thing sounds pretty awesome and a lot of people are starting to do it. A bike and a cart is all you need and off you go into the world to save the soil.
On Location Composting
Homes - You like the idea of service, however you really want to do it yourself. Learn about balancing, moisture and what might work for you depending on your space. Have all of your questions answered from our Composting 101.
Community Gardens - You have enough material to fill up the bin quickly, but it doesn't seem like things are working the way they are supposed to. While service is always faster some gardeners want to be involved in the process. City Compost would be happy to help you maximize your soil.
Farm - City Compost can make compost in 6 months while your farm takes 2 years to turn that pile of manure into black gold. Perhaps you are pursuing organic and do not want to wait 90 days after application to get another season in of a quick to mature crop. Let's discuss what you want and then find a way to accomplish it.
Town & City - Interested in starting a compost program for your municipality? You may have been to a workshop or two but nothing really went into the details on how to get things done effectively. That, and you are not really sure what the compost process entails to begin with. Have City Compost bring you up to speed on the fundamentals, highlight potential funding available to you, and make sure your program is a resounding success that cuts down on those darn tipping fees.